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Get Involved

How Can You Help?



If you'd like to become a member of FOSBA, it costs $10 annually. This allows you to join the board, vote at the annual general meeting, and be involved and informed with respect to our strategic priorities.







Visit The Bluffs

When you spend time on this property, you will understand why we are hoping for its long term protection. You will likely also become an advocate, and the more advocates we have, the bigger the voice we have collectively. 


Please remember though, that even though the land owner is currently allowing public access, your visit is still on private property.

Make A Donation

A few of our strategic priorities involve both education and advocacy but also the long term protection of this property. 


You could choose to donate to the acquisition fund, or you could donate to our community engagement fund. 


Click the button below to learn more about these two options. 


Malaspina Land Conservancy - Donate





Thank you for your consideration!

Community Engagement

Stay Informed and also Share with Us



We send out important updates to our members about issues and progress related  to protecting Stillwater Bluffs


Share Your Stories

We are looking to collect the communities stories of their time spent at Stillwater Bluffs.


Please consider taking a few minutes to send us any stories and memories, both current and from years ago. 


You can do this by clicking the box below, which will send you to a live survey. We will be sharing these stories in the coming year. 

Citizen Scientist

We are looking to amass a comprehensive list of the flora and fauna on the property of Stillwater Bluffs. 


We have two options for you to share. 


1. The first button will take you to a google form, where you can share. 


2. The second button will take you to iNaturalist, which is a fantastic site, check it out!


We will be sharing the amazing diversity in the coming year. 



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